
Give a donation
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By giving a donation, you become a part of creating change
and affecting a difference within our community.

All donations over $2 are tax deductable.

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Bank Transfer

our bank details

Account Name: 5FOLD Limited

BSB: 633 000

Account Number: 190 999 763

Thank you for partnering with us and for your generosity. If you require a tax invoice or receipt, please connect with us.

Your change has just made a change! 

Leaving a Bequest in your Will 

Your Will is your last gift which can be a simple yet powerful way to continue to help others after you are gone. 

Please connect with us for suggested Will wording for you or your solicitor to ensure your legacy creates a lasting impact.

Donating Clothes & Shoes

Please note we accept donations of clothes and shoes only during our business hours.