Yarrabilba Breakfast Clubs
Giving kids a healthy start to their day

Statistics tell us that at least 1 in 5 kids arrive at school without eating a healthy breakfast, if any at all! We are out to change these stats!
Currently, our Breakfast Clubs provide around 2,500 free nutritious breakfast meals each week and are found at the following locations:
- Yarrabilba State School
- South Rock Primary School
- Yarrabilba State Secondary College
- San Damiano College
- Family & Community Place
We believe every child should have access to a healthy breakfast and we provide a menu of fresh seasonal fruit, toast with several spreads and a variety of cereal.
Children who miss out on breakfast are disadvantaged by hunger and poor nutrition. Not only does this affect their education, but it also affects their long term health and wellbeing. Our Breakfast Clubs give kids an opportunity to commence their school day with a healthy breakfast, placing them on an equal playing field in the classroom.
Yarrabilba Breakfast Clubs would not be possible without the support of dedicated volunteers, school staff and chaplains, together with the financial support from community members, local businesses and councils.

Connect With Us
Be The Difference
If you would like to volunteer and be a part of our Brekky Club Team or would like to contribute financially, please complete the below form and we will connect with you.